The radial gate structure is constructed to retain the dam or river water and designed for a wide, clear waterway opening. The system consists of radial stainless-steel grade gates and is designed to maintain the upstream dam water level.
Radial gates consist of a reinforced concrete structure in which the gate and hoisting assemblies are installed. Pressure is transferred from the curved face through the horizontal support beams to the radial arms at the side of the opening. Flow is underneath the curved face as the gate is open. This design results in a lightweight, economical gate that can be open and closed with minimum effort and with comparatively small number of turns of the handwheel on the hoist.
Kenann Attributes :
- Provide better discharge characteristics of partial gate opening.
- Requires a lower hoisting force.
- Bearings are located out of the water.
- Does not require gates slots.
- Hydraulic or electrical operated.